
  • Small Business Marketing: An Ultimate Guide

  • 5 Hasty Blog Editing Tips That Actually Work (& Gain Followers)

    If you could do blog editing that gained more followers, why wouldn’t you spend the time to do it?

    Gaining followers is the starting goal of any beginner blogger. And in this post, I will show you five quick ways to clean up that post.

    When you clean up a post and edit the basics, you can build your readership because people will want to read more.

    Readers will feel the flow, clarity and ideas you are sharing.

    If they like what they read, they will want to read more.

    Readers will “like” your post.

    They will become a follower.

    “If you build it, they will come.”

    What are you waiting for?

    Let’s build your editing skills and keep you writing!

    5 Hasty Tips

    1. Cut out Overused and Repeated Words!
    2. Fix all the Spelling Mistakes
    3. Clean up Punctuation and Capitalization.
    4. Clear up your Sentence Structure.
    5. Make sure the whole thing FLOWS.

    Overused and Repeated Words

    • Do a quick read-through and see if you used the same word repeatedly. If so, grab a thesaurus or google an alternate for that word.
    • If some words are over-used and not needed – delete them.
    • Both are easy fixes and will help your post flow.

    Spelling Mistakes

    • When you read through your post were there any spelling mistakes? Are you writing in your country’s language?
    • Think US, Canadian or British English – color/colour – centre/center – defense/defence. Write for the country you are in.
    • Use Grammarly for this step and the next step. It is a free resource and helps so much.
    • I took a screenshot of this post as an example of Grammarly. The blue underline is the hyperlink out to the website. The red underline is the mistake in the post, where I typed the word “and” twice. It underlines it and in the bottom right corner is the number “2” in a red circle. That means there are 2 mistakes in my post. This has been a huge time saver for me.

    Punctuation and Capitalization

    • Resolve any problem spots or missing punctuation and capital letters. This is another great place Grammarly comes in handy. It is an app that you can install in your browser and usually catches most of the mistakes as you type.
    • Using Grammarly in this spot too will help you check two of the points off the list at the same time. Huge time saver.

    Sentence Structure

    • Read out loud – your whole post here. Read as if you were giving a presentation. You want to find the places that are run-on sentences or lack basic structure.
    • As you read the paragraphs – does any of it sound off or boring to you? Then likely, it will happen to your readers as well.
    • The structure is one of the primary spots where bloggers lose readers. If they aren’t able to follow your writing or it’s full of errors that they are stumbling, they will move on.
    • If readers are bored or can’t from all the run-on sentences, they will move on. You will lose a subscriber.


    • Now that you fixed all those errors, you need to read it out loud one more time.
    • Ask yourself these questions:
      1. Does the opening introduce my topic? Does the closing wrap it all up?
      2. Does the paragraph flow into the next one?
      3. Does each point make sense where it is?
      4. Is there any part that feels off or in the wrong place?
    • If you answered “no” to any of the above questions – you need to do another revision. Then start this list again until you can answer “yes” to all of them.

    You can clean up your post even if you are a beginner blogger and know nothing about editing. You can make these small and quick changes yourself.

    Gaining followers is the goal, and it is completely achievable!

    Your article will have clarity, and your spelling and grammar will be spot on. The whole thing will flow.

    Readers will be eating out of your hands. You will build that audience and gain more likes from a single post than you have before.

    Are you ready to make your post go from mediocre to successful?

    Ready to have more followers?

    Then let’s go!

    Go edit that post so it shines!

  • Welcome!


    So you stumbled upon me or found a link that led you here? Either way, welcome to Quill’s Blogging Services.

    Here you will find helpful tips and pointers on everything blogging. Starting from how to pick that headline that pops, to SEO optimization, to editing. Plus all the in-between to get you out there, blogging. Of course, also to get your posts and blogs noticed!

    For the first Post:

    Top 5 Tips For Beginner Bloggers!

    1. Get the ideas for your blog from your audience
    2. Understand who your audience is and what they want to know
    3. Write for yourself first – MOST IMPORTANT – if you don’t write for yourself and enjoy it, what is the point?
    4. Build that email list – You need to build followers to build an audience. Right?
    5. Love your existing readers. Even if it is just your mom and grandma for now. Others will come. Love them all. It will build rapport and get them coming back every time.

    Well, that was short and sweet! As it was meant to be.

    Until next time, have a wonderful week!

  • About

    My name is Christa, and I am an editor and writer/blogger. Most days, you can find me writing and researching ways to help others on their blogging journey. On the other days, I edit for various clients.

    I have always loved to write for as long as I can remember. From creative writing in high school and several published short stories as an adult. But it was always a side interest and hobby.

    I used to work in the childcare field, first as an owner of a preschool program(16 years) and then as an Education Assistant(3.5 years). After years of working with children, I wanted to transition into writing full-time.

    I spent the last year training and attending school to become a content marketer and editor.

    This blog is the piece of my journey – I am here to share my knowledge and lessons learned. Plus, help others on their writing journey.

    Welcome to my page!

    Have questions?

    Just Ask!

    I love to connect with my readers and would love to know more about you.